All members of the community are invited to join the Century Club with a gift of $100 annually. These contributions make a huge impact on our Foundation programs. All contributions are tax-deductible, and members are recognized below. To join Century Club, please select the donation amount below. This amount will be due each year.
Donate $100
Donate $132
Donate $224
Donate $500
Current Members
David Aldridge
R.M. Alexander
Mark W. Allen
Charles Becker
Edwin D Blinks
Robert E. Buising
Mark Clark
Steve Connelly
John W. Conrad III
Donald Courter
Robert Cramer
Davenport Scottish Rite Bodies
Charles B. DCamp
Steven K. Deaton
David Dryer
George Eichhorn
Chris H. Eichmeier, Jr.
Robert H. Erickson
Henry W. Fields Trust
James A. Goetsch
Cecil Goetsch
Shane A. Harshbarger
Gene R. Hatfield
Rick Hickman
Bryce B. Hildreth
Daniel R. Hobson
John W. Iles
Russell Johnson, Jr.
Donald L. Jones
Bruce G. Kelley
Richard Koch, Jr.
Richard W. Koerner
David P. Kroeger
Richard G. Langdon
Ronald Lindhart
Jeremy Mead
Robert R. Meyer
Michael J. Miller
Sid L. Morris, Jr.
Donald E. Mosier
Howard Neese II
Warren Nelson
Brian Pappaducas
John B. Priestley
Benny J. & Velma R. Ralfs
Michael Reschly
Terrance Riessen
Russell R. Risley
Guy L. Roberts
Grover L. Sardeson
Gary Schindel
Jack R. Schreiber
Vaughn A. Seaton
Wade Sheeler
Lyle Simpson
Gary L. Sissel
Richard Skeppstedt
Donald Stamy
Loren C Stein
Paul R. Tyler
Frank Van Kerckhove
Duane Wachter
Donald K. Wall
Eldon F. Walton
James H. Windosr
Samuel G. Wise